We will keep building to bring AI to the masses.
If you read this whitepaper and if you are familiar with our Telegram announcement channel, you can see that the NAZAR team is not here to give false hopes but to deliver real and concrete products that will bring value to our project. A lot of cryptocurrencies with high marketcaps are not founded on real products and are only valued based on speculation about what they could potentially do in the future. We are not one of them. What we already delivered is the assurance to our investors that we have a fully dedicated team willing to bring to the world the most complete and powerful NAZAR.
We will keep updating our bots and our city to give them more content and features, so they can be improved over time. Every bot released at launch is a V1.0 that will be improving as we move on. We are working constantly on having the best possible AI bot services, with the best user's interface and the most complete functionalities.
That's not all. We are also conceptualizing a lot of new AI bots and important infrastructures that we want to bring and link to the $NAZAR ecosystem. Most of them are for now secret, in order to ensure the security of our competitiveness. By keeping some secrecy in our plans, we are protecting our holders.
In the near future, we would also like to help companies to implement AI in their services. For example, if a company is willing to use a powerful ChatBot for their customer service, we can help them to get access to it, by providing our own bot. This would help us to spread our services internationally, and to establish ourselves as a trusted and well reputed company.
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